This event is part of the MTSP "LEGACIES" series, co-sponsored by Columbia University’s Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Weatherhead East Asian Institute, C.V. Starr East Asian Library, Modern Tibetan Studies Program, and the Department of Film and Media Studies.
Moderator: Ying Qian, Associate Professor, Dept. of East Asian Languages & Cultures
Discussants: Ron Gregg (Director, MA Program in Film & Media Studies, School of the Arts) and Yewong Dongchung (PhD Candidate, Dept. of East Asian Languages & Cultures)
Pema Tseden’s debut feature film, set in the filmmaker’s home town in Amdo during Tibetan new year, is a moving portrait of a young monk who navigates his monastic life against the pull of the secular world. The film was an Official Selection for the Pusan, Hong Kong, Rotterdam, and San Francisco International Film Festivals, and the International Buddhist Film Festival, and has had screenings at numerous other film festivals and events around the world.